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Cloudways WordPress Hosting

Managed WordPress Hosting Solution That Fits Your Needs.

Cloudways completes your WordPress experience so you can deploy, build, and scale an optimized website. With high performance managed WordPress cloud hosting platform, you have everything from monitoring, scaling and cloning to backups, restores, and much more under 1-Click operation. Additionally, for your WordPress our managed hosting platform offers scalability and is capable of handling WordPress multisite and ecommerce website using WooCommerce. In comparison to other managed WordPress hosting providers, Cloudways offers you the opportunity to experience industry’s first, CloudwaysBot along with an optimized wp hosting platform. For developers, you have an option to use the API for integrations, automation, and development on top of a managed cloud hosting platform.

Webhosting Info

Founded: 2011
Headquarters: Mosta, Malta
Website: Cloudways.com
Locations: UK, USA, Singapore, Netherlands, Germany, Canada, France, Japan, Australia, South Korea, India, Brazil,
Basic Price: $0/mo, scaling

Cloudways WordPress Hosting

Cloudways WordPress Hosting

Cloudways WordPress Hosting Core Features:

  • SSD-Based Managed WordPress Hosting. All the servers have dedicated resources with SSD-based managed WordPress hosting. You have full control of your hosting for WordPress with top-of-the-charts global response times.
  • Auto-Healing Servers. You’ll never have to worry about your WordPress website crashing. Most of the cloud server issues are resolved with auto-healing restarts.
  • Stack With Latest Technologies. Cloudways advanced WordPress web hosting stack offers latest PHP versions and Apache and Nginx as web servers, MySQL, and MariaDB as databases.
  • Automated Backups. You can schedule automatic backups of any frequency (from every hour to every 7 days). You can create a backup whenever you wish.
  • PHP 7 Ready Servers. PHP 7 is the default version at Cloudways servers. Enjoy the benefits of hosting on PHP 7.x on optimized WordPress hosting stack.
  • No Long-Term Contract. Why pay a fixed amount or enter into a binding contract when you can use our pay-as-you-go pricing model and only pay for what you’ve used.
  • CloudwaysCDN is a simple yet powerful service that improves server response times and delivers superior performance.
  • Expert Support is active 24/7, any day of the year. All you have to do is type your query and our team will do the magic.

Cloudways WordPress Hosting Summary

9.1 Total Score

A secure and performance focused managed WordPress hosting means you’re free to focus on things that matter. Choose from a list of industry-leading providers, including AWS, GCE, Linode, DigitalOcean and Vultr with 60+ data center locations. You have the option to extend the storage space of your server in just a few clicks without changing other server parameters. Switch to your desired version of PHP (5.6 & 7.x) in just a click. Seamlessly scale your servers with our 1-Click process. You can scale resources without affecting server customization. Securely access the server and update files and folders using SSH or SFTP. You can even generate individual SFTP credentials for the team. With our 1-Click feature you can clone entire servers or make copies of individual sites on new staging URLs easily. Easily move your WordPress site to Cloudways without any hassle for free. Automated migrator tool does all the work.

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