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Bitcoin Web Hosting VPS

Your VPS server, your way. Deploy in minutes.

Bitcoin VPS hosting plans offer flexibility, privacy and secure hosting. If you need reliability, performance, and scalability in your corner – host your website with VPS Bitcoin Web Hosting. Virtual private servers are partitions of a main server. Each VPS is reserved a designated amount of resources, which insulates your account from others on the server. Unlike Bitcoin shared hosting, customers using Bitcoin VPS plans do not compete against each other for resources. A spike in traffic or server activity does not degrade the performance of your website or hosted environment. 24/7/365 on-site staff and monitoring technology offer bulletproof reliability and unparalleled peace of mind.

Webhosting Info

Founded: 2013
Headquarters: Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States
Website: BitcoinWebHosting.net
Locations: USA, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Austria, Norway, Indonesia, Australia
Basic Price: $6.00/mo

Bitcoin Web Hosting VPS

Bitcoin Web Hosting VPS

Bitcoin Web Hosting VPS Core Features:

  • Rebuild, reboot, and manage your VPS through permanent KVM console.
  • Provision in minutes when you check out with Bitcoin or PayPal.
  • XEN virtualization and full root access give you absolute control.
  • 99.99% Uptime Guarantee + 15-day money back guarantee.
  • Powerful HP Blade servers with lightning fast SSD Drives.
  • Choose data servers from USA, Europe or Asia.
  • CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu or Windows.
  • 24x7x365 Expert Support Assistance.

Bitcoin Web Hosting VPS

8.6 Total Score
Very Good

BWH robust hosting platform is equipped with everything you need to power your ideas and fuel your business, including 100Mbps Uplinks, Free 1Gbps Private LAN and Firewalls. Choose from a range of cities located around the world; from across the U.S. to Dublin, we have the ideal location to suit your needs. Plus, your VPS will include access to our Global AnyCast DNS Platform, absolutely free. Rebuild, reboot, and manage your VPS with permanent KVM connectivity, built on our highly available enterprise platform with underlying XEN technology. You’ll have plenty of bandwidth: 1TB Outbound transfer per GB of RAM, with free inbound. Powerful HP Blade servers with SSD Drives power your cloud and ensure a lightning fast VPS hosting experience, perfect for developers, businesses, and serious webmasters alike. Comprehensive, knowledgeable support is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.

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